Module win32ui
A module, encapsulating the Microsoft Foundation Classes.
- AddToRecentFileList
- Add a file name to the Recent File List.
- ComparePath
- Compares 2 paths.
- CreateMDIFrame
- Creates an MDI Frame window.
- CreateMDIChild
- Creates an MDI Child window.
- CreateBitmap
- Create a bitmap object.
- CreateBitmapFromHandle
- Creates a bitmap object from a HBITMAP.
- CreateBrush
- Creates a new GDI brush object. Returns a PyCBrush object.
- CreateButton
- Creates a button object. PyCButton::CreateWindow creates the actual control.
- CreateColorDialog
- Creates a color selection dialog box.
- CreateControl
- Creates an OLE control.
- CreateControlBar
- Creates an ControlBar
- CreateCtrlView
- Creates a control view object.
- CreateDC
- Creates a PyCDC object.
- CreateDCFromHandle
- Creates a PyCDC object from an integer handle.
- CreateDialog
- Creates a PyCDialog object.
- CreateDialogBar
- Creates a PyCDialogBar object.
- CreateDialogIndirect
- Creates a PyCDialog object from a template.
- CreatePrintDialog
- Creates a PyCPrintDialog object.
- CreateDocTemplate
- Create a PyCDocTemplate object.
- CreateEdit
- Creates an edit object. PyCEdit::CreateWindow creates the actual control.
- CreateFileDialog
- Creates a FileOpen common dialog.
- CreateFontDialog
- Creates a font selection dialog box.
- CreateFormView
- Creates a form view object.
- CreateFrame
- Creates a frame window.
- CreateImageList
- Creates an PyCImageList object.
- CreateListCtrl
- Creates a list control.
- CreateListView
- Creates a PyCListView object.
- CreateTreeCtrl
- Creates a tree control.
- CreateTreeView
- Creates a PyCTreeView object.
- CreatePalette
- Returns a HPALETTE
- CreatePopupMenu
- Creates a popup menu.
- CreateMenu
- Creates a menu
- CreatePen
- Creates a PyCPen object.
- CreateProgressCtrl
- Creates a progress bar object. PyCProgressCtrl::CreateWindow creates the actual control.
- CreatePropertyPage
- Creates a PyCPropertyPage object.
- CreatePropertyPageIndirect
- Creates a PyCPropertyPage object from a template.
- CreatePropertySheet
- Creates a PyCPropertySheet object
- CreateRectRgn
- Initializes a PyCRgn to a rectangle
- CreateRgn
- Creates a new PyCRgn object.
- CreateRichEditCtrl
- Creates a rich edit control.
- CreateRichEditDocTemplate
- Create a PyCRichEditDocTemplate object.
- CreateRichEditView
- Creates a PyCRichEditView object.
- CreateSliderCtrl
- Creates a slider control object. PyCSliderCtrl::CreateWindow creates the actual control.
- CreateSplitter
- Creates a splitter window.
- CreateStatusBar
- Creates a status bar object.
- CreateStatusBarCtrl
- Creates a new status bar control object. PyCStatusBarCtrl::CreateWindow creates the actual control.
- CreateFont
- Creates a PyCFont object.
- CreateToolBar
- Creates a toolbar object.
- CreateToolBarCtrl
- Creates a toolbar object.
- CreateToolTipCtrl
- Creates a tooltip control object.
- CreateThread
- Creates a PyCWinThread object.
- CreateView
- Creates a PyCView object.
- CreateEditView
- Creates an PyCEditView object.
- CreateDebuggerThread
- Starts a debugging thread.
- CreateWindowFromHandle
- Creates a PyCWnd from an integer containing a HWND
- CreateWnd
- Create a new unitialized PyCWnd object
- DestroyDebuggerThread
- Cleans up the debugger thread.
- DoWaitCursor
- Changes the cursor to/from a wait cursor.
- DisplayTraceback
- Displays a traceback in a dialog box.
- Enable3dControls
- Enables 3d controls for the application.
- FindWindow
- Searches for the specified top-level window
- FindWindowEx
- Searches for the specified top-level or child window
- FullPath
- Returns the full path name of the file.
- GetActiveWindow
- Retrieves the active window.
- GetApp
- Retrieves the application object.
- GetAppName
- Retrieves the name of the current application.
- GetAppRegistryKey
- Returns the registry key for the application.
- GetBytes
- Gets raw bytes from memory
- GetCommandLine
- Returns the command line for hte application.
- GetDeviceCaps
- Calls the API version of GetDeviceCaps. See also PyCDC::GetDeviceCaps
- GetFileTitle
- Given a file name, return its title
- GetFocus
- Retrieves the window with the focus.
- GetForegroundWindow
- Retrieves the foreground window.
- GetHalftoneBrush
- Returns a halftone brush.
- GetInitialStateRequest
- Returns the requested state that the application start in. This is the same as the parameter available to PyCWnd::ShowWindow
- GetMainFrame
- Returns a window object for the main application frame.
- GetName
- Returns the name of the current application.
- GetProfileFileName
- Returns the name of the INI file used by the application.
- GetProfileVal
- Returns a value from the applications INI file.
- GetRecentFileList
- Returns the recent file list.
- GetResource
- Gets a resource.
- GetThread
- Retrieves the current thread object.
- GetType
- Retrieves a Python Type object given its name
- InitRichEdit
- Initializes the rich edit framework.
- InstallCallbackCaller
- Installs a callback caller.
- IsDebug
- Returns a flag indicating if the current win32ui build is a DEBUG build.
- IsWin32s
- Determines if the application is running under Win32s.
- IsObject
- Determines if the passed object is a win32ui object.
- LoadDialogResource
- Loads a dialog resource, and returns a list detailing the objects.
- LoadLibrary
- Creates a PyDLL object.
- LoadMenu
- Loads a menu.
- LoadStdProfileSettings
- Loads standard application profile settings.
- LoadString
- Loads a string from a resource file.
- MessageBox
- Displays a message box.
- OutputDebugString
- Writes output to the Windows debugger.
- EnableControlContainer
- Call this function in your application object's InitInstance function to enable support for containment of OLE controls.
- PrintTraceback
- Prints a Traceback using the default Python traceback printer.
- PumpWaitingMessages
- Pumps all waiting messages to the application.
- RegisterWndClass
- Registers a window class
- RemoveRecentFile
- Removes the recent file at list index.
- SetAppHelpPath
- Sets the application help file path, i.e. the pApp->m_pszHelpFilePath member variable.
- SetAppName
- Sets the application name.
- SetCurrentInstanceHandle
- Sets the MFC variable afxCurrentInstanceHandle.
- SetCurrentResourceHandle
- Sets the MFC variable afxCurrentResourceHandle.
- SetDialogBkColor
- Sets the default background and text color for dialog boxes and message boxes within the application.
- SetProfileFileName
- Sets the INI file name used by the application.
- SetRegistryKey
- Causes application settings to be stored in the registry instead of INI files.
- SetResource
- Specifies the default DLL object for application resources.
- SetStatusText
- Sets the text in the status bar.
- StartDebuggerPump
- Starts the debugger message pump.
- StopDebuggerPump
- Stops the debugger message pump.
- TranslateMessage
- Calls ::TranslateMessage.
- TranslateVirtualKey
- Translates a virtual key.
- WinHelp
- Invokes the Window Help engine.
- WriteProfileVal
- Writes a value to the INI file.