PyCWnd Object
A base window class. Encapsulates an MFC CWnd class
- ActivateFrame
- Searches upwards for a parent window which has a frame, and activates it.
- BringWindowToTop
- Brings the window to the top of a stack of overlapping windows.
- BeginPaint
- Prepares the window for painting.
- CalcWindowRect
- Computes the size of the window rectangle based on the desired client rectangle size.
- CenterWindow
- Centers a window relative to its parent.
- CheckRadioButton
- Selects a specified radio button
- ChildWindowFromPoint
- Identifies the child window that contains the point
- ClientToScreen
- Convert coordinates from Client to Screen
- CreateWindow
- Create the underlying window object
- CreateWindowEx
- Creates the actual window for the PyCWnd object using extended attributes.
- DefWindowProc
- Calls the default message handler.
- DestroyWindow
- Destroys the window attached to the object.
- DlgDirList
- Fill a listbox control with a file specification.
- DlgDirListComboBox
- Fill a combobox control with a file specification.
- DlgDirSelect
- Retrieves the current selection from a list box.
- DlgDirSelectComboBox
- Retrieves the current selection from a combo box.
- DragAcceptFiles
- Indicate the window can accept files dragges from file manager.
- DrawMenuBar
- Redraw the windows menu bar.
- EnableWindow
- Enable or disable the window.
- EndModalLoop
- Ends a modal loop.
- EndPaint
- Ends painting in a window
- GetCheckedRadioButton
- Get the ID of the checked a radio button in a group.
- GetClientRect
- Gets the client rectangle for thewindow.
- GetDC
- Gets the window's current device context.
- GetDCEx
- Gets the window's current device context.
- GetDlgCtrlID
- Get the current window's control id.
- GetDlgItem
- Get a child control by Id
- GetDlgItemInt
- Returns the integer value of a child window or control with the specified ID.
- GetDlgItemText
- Returns the text of child window or control with the specified ID.
- GetLastActivePopup
- Identifies the most recently active pop-up window
- GetMenu
- Get the current menu for a window.
- GetParent
- Get the parent window.
- GetParentFrame
- Returns the window's frame.
- GetParent
- Returns the child window's parent window or owner window.
- GetSafeHwnd
- Returns the HWnd of this window.
- GetScrollInfo
- Retrieve information about a scroll bar
- GetScrollPos
- Retrieves the current position of the scroll box of a scroll bar.
- GetStyle
- Retrieves the window style
- GetExStyle
- Retrieves the window extended style
- GetSystemMenu
- Get the system menu for the window.
- GetTopLevelFrame
- Get the top-level frame window.
- GetTopLevelOwner
- Get the top-level owner window.
- GetTopLevelParent
- Get the top-level parent window.
- GetTopWindow
- Get the top level window attached to this window.
- GetWindow
- Get a specified window (eg, parent, child, etc).
- GetWindowDC
- Obtains the PyDC for a window.
- GetWindowPlacement
- Gets the window's current placement information.
- GetWindowRect
- Get the windows rectangle.
- GetWindowText
- Get the window's current text.
- HideCaret
- Hides the caret
- HookAllKeyStrokes
- Hook a handler for all keystroke messages.
- HookKeyStroke
- Hook a keystroke handler.
- HookMessage
- Hook a message notification handler.
- InvalidateRect
- Invalidate a specified rectangle in a window.
- InvalidateRgn
- Invalidate a specified region of a window.
- IsChild
- Indicates if a window is a child.
- IsDlgButtonChecked
- Indicates if a dialog botton is checked.
- IsIconic
- Indicates if the window is currently minimised.
- IsZoomed
- Indicates if the window is currently maximised.
- IsWindow
- determines whether the specified window handle identifies an existing window.
- IsWindowVisible
- Determines if the window is currently visible.
- IsWindowVisible
- Determines if the window is currently enabled.
- KillTimer
- Destroys a system timer
- LockWindowUpdate
- Disables drawing in the given window
- MapWindowPoints
- Converts (maps) a set of points from the coordinate space of the CWnd to the coordinate space of another window.
- MouseCaptured
- Indicates if the window currently has the mouse captured.
- MessageBox
- Displays a message box.
- ModifyStyle
- Modifies the style of a window.
- ModifyStyleEx
- Modifies the style of a window.
- MoveWindow
- Moves the window to a new location.
- OnClose
- Calls the default MFC OnClose handler.
- OnCtlColor
- Calls the default MFC OnCtlColor handler.
- OnEraseBkgnd
- Calls the default MFC OnEraseBkgnd handler.
- OnNcHitTest
- Calls the base MFC OnNcHitTest function.
- OnPaint
- Calls the default MFC OnPaint handler.
- OnQueryDragIcon
- Calls the default MFC OnQueryDragIcon handler.
- OnQueryNewPalette
- Calls the underlying MFC OnQueryNewPalette method.
- OnSetCursor
- Calls the default MFC OnSetCursor message
- OnMouseActivate
- Calls the default MFC OnMouseActicate message
- OnWndMsg
- Calls the default MFC Window Message handler.
- PreCreateWindow
- Calls the underlying MFC PreCreateWindow method.
- PumpWaitingMessages
- Calls the Peek/Dispatch loop on the wnd.
- RedrawWindow
- Updates the specified rectangle or region in the given window's client area.
- ReleaseCapture
- Releases the mouse capture for the window.
- ReleaseDC
- Releases a device context, freeing it for use by other applications.
- RepositionBars
- Repositions the control bars for the window.
- RunModalLoop
- Starts a modal loop for the window.
- PostMessage
- Post a message to the window.
- SendMessageToDescendants
- Send a message to a window's children.
- SendMessage
- Send a message to the window.
- SetActiveWindow
- Sets the window active.
- SetForegroundWindow
- Puts the window into the foreground and activates the window.
- SetWindowPos
- Sets the windows position information.
- ScreenToClient
- Converts from screen coordinates to client coordinates.
- SetCapture
- Captures the mouse input for thw window.
- SetDlgItemText
- Sets the text for the child window or control with the specified ID.
- SetFocus
- Sets focus to the window.
- SetFont
- Sets the window's current font to the specified font.
- SetIcon
- Sets the handle to a specific icon.
- SetMenu
- Sets the menu for a window.
- SetRedraw
- Sets the redraw flag for the window.
- SetScrollPos
- Sets the current position of the scroll box of a scroll bar.
- SetScrollInfo
- Set information about a scroll bar
- SetTimer
- Installs a system timer
- SetWindowPlacement
- Sets the window's placement options.
- SetWindowText
- Sets the window's text.
- ShowCaret
- Shows the caret
- ShowScrollBar
- Shows/Hides the window's scroll bars.
- ShowWindow
- Shows the window.
- UnLockWindowUpdate
- Unlocks a window that was locked with LockWindowUpdate
- UpdateData
- Updates a windows dialog data.
- UpdateDialogControls
- Updates the state of dialog buttons and other controls in a dialog box or window that uses the PyCCmdUI::HookCommandUpdate callback mechanism.
- UpdateWindow
- Updates a window.