
PyITypeLib = LoadRegTypeLib(iid, versionMajor , versionMinor , lcid )

Loads a registered type library.


iid : PyIID

The IID of the type library.

versionMajor : int

The major version number of the library

versionMinor : int

The minor version number of the library


The locale ID to use.


LoadRegTypeLib compares the requested version numbers against those found in the system registry, and takes one of the following actions:
If one of the registered libraries exactly matches both the requested major and minor version numbers, then that type library is loaded.
If one or more registered type libraries exactly match the requested major version number, and has a greater minor version number than that requested, the one with the greatest minor version number is loaded.
If none of the registered type libraries exactly match the requested major version number (or if none of those that do exactly match the major version number also have a minor version number greater than or equal to the requested minor version number), then LoadRegTypeLib returns an error.