PyIDebugApplication Object
This interface is an extension of PyIRemoteDebugApplication, exposing non-remotable methods for use by language engines and hosts.
- SetName
- Sets the name of the application.
- StepOutComplete
- Called by language engines, in single step mode, just before they return to their caller.
- DebugOutput
- Causes the given string to be displayed by the debugger IDE.
- StartDebugSession
- Causes a default debugger IDE to be started.
- HandleBreakPoint
- Called by the language engine in the context of a thread that has hit a breakpoint.
- Close
- Causes this application to release all references and enter a zombie state.
- GetBreakFlags
- Returns the current break flags for the application.
- GetCurrentThread
- Returns the application thread object associated with the currently running thread.
- CreateAsyncDebugOperation
- Creates an IDebugAsyncOperation object to wrap a provided PyIDebugSyncOperation object.
- AddStackFrameSniffer
- Adds a stack frame sniffer to this application.
- RemoveStackFrameSniffer
- Removes a stack frame sniffer from this application.
- QueryCurrentThreadIsDebuggerThread
- Determines if the current running thread is the debugger thread.
- SynchronousCallInDebuggerThread
- Provides a mechanism for the caller to run code in the debugger thread.
- CreateApplicationNode
- Creates a new application node which is associated with a specific document provider.
- FireDebuggerEvent
- Fire a generic event to the IApplicationDebugger (if any)
- HandleRuntimeError
- Description of HandleRuntimeError
- FCanJitDebug
- Description of FCanJitDebug
- FIsAutoJitDebugEnabled
- Description of FIsAutoJitDebugEnabled
- AddGlobalExpressionContextProvider
- Description of AddGlobalExpressionContextProvider
- RemoveGlobalExpressionContextProvider
- Description of RemoveGlobalExpressionContextProvider