The registry consists of a series of roots from each of which descends a tree of keys and values. Each key has an anonymous (default) value and optionally a set of named values, each of which has a particular type (string, number etc.).
For convenience in accessing registry keys and values, the module implements the idea of a registry moniker which has the form: [\\computer\]HKEY[\subkey path][:[value]]. For example:
from winsys import registry
# The value of the Version item in the HKLM\Software\Python key on SVR01
registry.registry (r"\\SVR01\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Python:Version")
# The Control Panel\Desktop key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER on the current machine
registry.registry (r"HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop")
The key function here is registry() which is a factory returning a Registry object which contains most of the useful functionality in the module. However, the same functionality is replicated at module level in many cases for convenience.
Return a valid registry moniker from component parts. Computer is optional but root and path must be specified.
Parameters: |
Returns: | a valid moniker string |
Factory function for the Registry class.
Parameters: |
Returns: | a Registry object |
Yield the values of a registry key as (name, value). This is convenient for, eg, populating a dictionary:
from winsys import registry
com3 = registry.registry (r"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Com3")
com3_values = dict (com3.itervalues ())
Parameters: |
Returns: | yields (name, value) for every value under root |
Yield the subkeys of a registry key as Registry objects
Parameters: |
Returns: | yield Registry objects for each key under root |
Copy one registry key to another, returning the target. If the target doesn’t already exist it will be created.
Parameters: |
Returns: | a Registry object for to_key |
Delete a registry key and all its subkeys
The common use for this will be to delete a key itself. The optional subkey param is useful when this is invoked as a method of a Registry object and it’s convenient to remove one of its subkeys:
from winsys import registry
ws = registry.registry (r"hklm\software\winsys")
ws.create ()
for subkey in ["winsys1", "winsys2", "winsys3"]:
ws.create (subkey)
for key in ws.iterkeys ():
print key
for subkey in ["winsys1", "winsys2", "winsys3"]:
ws.delete (subkey)
ws.delete ()
Parameters: |
Returns: | a Registry object for root |
Create a key and apply specific security to it, returning the key created. Note that a colon in the key name is treated as part of the name not as a value indicator. Any parts of the path not already existing will be created as needed:
from winsys import registry, security
sec = security.Security (dacl=[("", "F", "ALLOW")])
registry.create (r"hklm\software\winsys est", sec=sec)
registry.registry (r"hklm\software\winsys est").dump ()
Parameters: |
Returns: | a Registry object for root |
Mimic the os.walk functionality for the registry, starting at root and yielding (key, subkeys, values) for each key visited. subkeys and values are themselves generators.
Parameters: |
Returns: | yields key, subkeys, values recursively for every key under root |
Yield a flattened version the tree rooted at root.
Parameters: |
Returns: | yields key and then value items for each key under root |
Return a registry key’s parent key if it exists
Parameters: | key – anything accepted by registry() |
Returns: | a Registry object representing the parent of key |
Raises : | x_registry if no parent exists (eg for a hive) |
Represent a registry key (including one of the roots) giving access to its subkeys and values as well as its security and walking its subtrees. The key is True if it exists, False otherwise.
When access rights are supplied to any function, they can either be an integer representing a bitmask, or one or more letters corresponding to the ACCESS mapping. The default access is “F” indicating Full Control.
Note that addition and attribute / item getting and setting are overridden for convenience in accessing subkeys and values as follows:
Adding a string to a Registry object will result in a new object representing the subkey of that name:
from winsys import registry
software = registry.registry (r"HKLM\Software")
software + r"Python\Pythoncore" == registry.registry (r"HKLM\Software\Python\Pythoncore")
Getting an attribute of a Registry object will return a value if one exists, a key otherwise (or will raise AttributeError). For a key name this is the same as calling get_key() or adding the key name as above. For a value name, this is the same as calling get_value()
Setting an attribute always writes a value, even if a key of that name already exists. This is equivalent to calling set_value().
Deleting an attribute will attempts to delete a value if one exists, otherwise it will delete a key of that name. This is equivalent to calling del_value() or delete().
from winsys import registry
python = registry.registry (r"HKLM\Software\Python")
python.testing = 4
python.get_value ("testing") == 4
python.testing == python['testing']
del python.testing
To create a key, call create() or the module-level create() function.
To delete a key, call its delete() method or the module level delete() function.
from winsys import registry
winsys = registry.registry (r"hklm\software\winsys").create ()
winsys.test_value = 4
registry.registry (r"hklm\software\winsys:test_value") == 4
registry.delete (winsys)
# or winsys.delete ()
# or registry.registry (r"hklm\software").delete ("winsys")
Allow a key to be added to an existing moniker.
Parameters: | path – can be a simple name or a backslash-separated relative path |
Returns: | a Registry object for the new path |
Copy one registry key to another, returning the target. If the target doesn’t already exist it will be created.
Parameters: |
Returns: | a Registry object for to_key |
Create a key and apply specific security to it, returning the key created. Note that a colon in the key name is treated as part of the name not as a value indicator. Any parts of the path not already existing will be created as needed:
from winsys import registry, security
sec = security.Security (dacl=[("", "F", "ALLOW")])
registry.create (r"hklm\software\winsys est", sec=sec)
registry.registry (r"hklm\software\winsys est").dump ()
Parameters: |
Returns: | a Registry object for root |
Removed the value identified by label from this registry key
Delete a registry key and all its subkeys
The common use for this will be to delete a key itself. The optional subkey param is useful when this is invoked as a method of a Registry object and it’s convenient to remove one of its subkeys:
from winsys import registry
ws = registry.registry (r"hklm\software\winsys")
ws.create ()
for subkey in ["winsys1", "winsys2", "winsys3"]:
ws.create (subkey)
for key in ws.iterkeys ():
print key
for subkey in ["winsys1", "winsys2", "winsys3"]:
ws.delete (subkey)
ws.delete ()
Parameters: |
Returns: | a Registry object for root |
Yield a flattened version the tree rooted at root.
Parameters: |
Returns: | yields key and then value items for each key under root |
Treat the string param as a moniker return either a key or a value. This is mostly used via the registry() function.
Return a Registry instance corresponding to the key’s subkey name
Parameters: | name – a registry relative path (may be a single name or a backslash-separated path |
Return the key’s value corresponding to name
Return the type of the key’s value corresponding to name
Yield the subkeys of a registry key as Registry objects
Parameters: |
Returns: | yield Registry objects for each key under root |
Yield the values of a registry key as (name, value). This is convenient for, eg, populating a dictionary:
from winsys import registry
com3 = registry.registry (r"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Com3")
com3_values = dict (com3.itervalues ())
Parameters: |
Returns: | yields (name, value) for every value under root |
Yield the subkeys of a registry key as Registry objects
Parameters: |
Returns: | yield Registry objects for each key under root |
Return a registry key’s parent key if it exists
Parameters: | key – anything accepted by registry() |
Returns: | a Registry object representing the parent of key |
Raises : | x_registry if no parent exists (eg for a hive) |
Lazily return an internal registry key handle according to the instance’s access requirements.
Raises : | x_not_found if the registry path the key refers to does not exist |
For a security request, hand off to the from_object() method of the security.Security object, specifying a registry key as the object type. Most commonly used as a context manager for security operations:
from winsys import registry
with registry.registry (r"hklm\software\python").security () as s:
print s.owner
Attempt to set one of the key’s named values. If type is None, then if the value already exists under the key its current type is assumed; otherwise a guess is made at the datatype as follows:
This is a very naive approach, and will falter if, for example, a string is passed which can be converted into a number, or a string with 2 percent signs which don’t refer to an env var.
Yield the values of a registry key as (name, value). This is convenient for, eg, populating a dictionary:
from winsys import registry
com3 = registry.registry (r"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Com3")
com3_values = dict (com3.itervalues ())
Parameters: |
Returns: | yields (name, value) for every value under root |
Mimic the os.walk functionality for the registry, starting at root and yielding (key, subkeys, values) for each key visited. subkeys and values are themselves generators.
Parameters: |
Returns: | yields key, subkeys, values recursively for every key under root |
Mapping between characters and access rights:
Registry hives (root keys) including common aliases (HKCU, HKLM, etc.)
Name | Val | Win32 |
HKEY_DYN_DATA | -2147483642 | HKEY_DYN_DATA |
HKEY_USERS | -2147483645 | HKU |
HKU | -2147483645 | HKU |
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | -2147483646 | HKLM |
HKLM | -2147483646 | HKLM |
HKEY_CURRENT_USER | -2147483647 | HKCU |
HKCU | -2147483647 | HKCU |
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT | -2147483648 | HKCR |
HKCR | -2147483648 | HKCR |
Registry-specific access rights
Name | Val | Win32 |
KEY_WRITE | 131078 | KEY_WRITE |
KEY_READ | 131097 | KEY_READ |
KEY_WOW64_64KEY | 256 | KEY_WOW64_64KEY |
KEY_WOW64_32KEY | 512 | KEY_WOW64_32KEY |
Registry value data types
Name | Val | Win32 |
REG_SZ | 1 | REG_SZ |
Base exception for all registry exceptions
Base exception for problems with monikers
Raised when a moniker does not match the correct format
Raised when a moniker has no Hive in the first or second position
See also