Module win32inet
An interface to the Windows internet (wininet) API
- InternetSetCookie
- Creates a cookie associated with the specified URL.
- InternetGetCookie
- Retrieves the cookie for the specified URL
- InternetAttemptConnect
- Attempts to make a connection to the Internet.
- InternetCheckConnection
- Allows an application to check if a connection to the Internet can be established
- InternetGoOnline
- Prompts the user for permission to initiate connection to a URL.
- InternetCloseHandle
- InternetConnect
- Opens an FTP, Gopher, or HTTP session for a given site.
- InternetOpen
- Initializes an application's use of the Microsoft® Win32® Internet functions.
- InternetOpenUrl
- Opens a resource specified by a complete FTP, Gopher, or HTTP URL.
- InternetCanonicalizeUrl
- Canonicalizes a URL, which includes converting unsafe characters and spaces into escape sequences.
- InternetGetLastResponseInfo
- Retrieves the last Win32® Internet function error description or server response on the thread calling this function.
- InternetReadFile
- Reads data from a handle opened by the win32inet::InternetOpenUrl, win32inet::FtpOpenFile, win32inet::GopherOpenFile , or win32inet::HttpOpenRequest function.
- InternetWriteFile
- Writes data to a handle opened by win32inet::FtpOpenFile.
- FtpOpenFile
- Initiates access to a remote file on an FTP server for reading or writing.
- FtpCommand
- Allows an application to send commands directly to an FTP server.
- InternetQueryOption
- Retrieves an option for an internet handle
- InternetSetOption
- Sets an option for an internet handle
- FindFirstUrlCacheEntry
- Initiates an enumeration of the browser cache
- FindNextUrlCacheEntry
- Continues enumeration of cached files
- FindFirstUrlCacheEntryEx
- Initiates an enumeration of the browser cache
- FindNextUrlCacheEntryEx
- Continues enumeration of cached files
- FindCloseUrlCache
- Closes a cache enumeration handle
- FindFirstUrlCacheGroup
- Initiates enumeration of Url cache groups
- FindNextUrlCacheGroup
- Continues enumeration of cache groups
- GetUrlCacheEntryInfo
- Retrieves cache info for a URL
- DeleteUrlCacheGroup
- Deletes a cache group
- CreateUrlCacheGroup
- Creates a new cache group
- CreateUrlCacheEntry
- Creates a cache entry for a URL
- CommitUrlCacheEntry
- Commits a cache entry
- SetUrlCacheEntryGroup
- Associates a cache entry with a group
- GetUrlCacheGroupAttribute
- Retrieves attributes for a cache group
- SetUrlCacheGroupAttribute
- Changes the attributes of a cache group
- DeleteUrlCacheEntry
- Deletes the cache entry for a URL