Module win32clipboard
A module which supports the Windows Clipboard API.
- ChangeClipboardChain
- Removes a specified window from the chain of clipboard viewers.
- CloseClipboard
- Closes the clipboard.
- CountClipboardFormats
- Retrieves the number of different data formats currently on the clipboard.
- EmptyClipboard
- Empties the clipboard and frees handles to data in the clipboard.
- EnumClipboardFormats
- Lets you enumerate the data formats that are currently available on the clipboard.
- GetClipboardData
- Retrieves data from the clipboard in a specified format.
- GetClipboardDataHandle
- Retrieves data from the clipboard in a specified format, returning the underlying integer handle.
- GetClipboardFormatName
- Retrieves from the clipboard the name of the specified registered format.
- GetClipboardOwner
- Retrieves the window handle of the current owner of the clipboard.
- GetClipboardSequenceNumber
- Returns the clipboard sequence number for the current window station.
- GetClipboardViewer
- Retrieves the handle of the first window in the clipboard viewer chain.
- GetGlobalMemory
- Returns the contents of the specified global memory object.
- GetOpenClipboardWindow
- Retrieves the handle of the window that currently has the clipboard open.
- GetPriorityClipboardFormat
- Returns the first available clipboard format in the specified list.
- IsClipboardFormatAvailable
- Determines whether the clipboard contains data in the specified format.
- OpenClipboard
- Opens the clipboard for examination.
- RegisterClipboardFormat
- Registers a new clipboard format.
- SetClipboardData
- Places data on the clipboard in a specified clipboard format.
- SetClipboardText
- Places text on the clipboard .
- SetClipboardViewer
- Adds the specified window to the chain of clipboard viewers