
object = InvokeTypes(dispid, lcid , wFlags , resultTypeDesc , typeDescs , args )

Invokes a DISPID, using the passed arguments and type descriptions.


dispid : int

The dispid to use. Please see PyIDispatch::Invoke.

lcid : int

The locale ID. Please see PyIDispatch::Invoke.

wFlags : int

Flags for the call. Please see PyIDispatch::Invoke.

resultTypeDesc : tuple

A tuple describing the type of the result. See the comments for more information.

typeDescs : (tuple, ...)

A sequence of tuples describing the types of the parameters for the function. See the comments for more information.

args : object, ...

The args to the function.


The Microsoft documentation for IDispatch should be used for all params except 'resultTypeDesc' and 'typeDescs'. 'resultTypeDesc' describes the return value of the function, and is a tuple of (type_id, flags). 'typeDescs' describes the type of each parameters, and is a list of the same (type_id, flags) tuple.

item Description
type_idA valid "variant type" constant (eg, VT_I4 | VT_ARRAY, VT_DATE, etc - see VARIANT at MSDN).
flagsOne of the PARAMFLAG constants (eg, PARAMFLAG_FIN, PARAMFLAG_FOUT etc - see PARAMFLAG at MSDN).


An example from the makepy generated file for Word

class Cells(DispatchBaseClass):


    def SetWidth(self, ColumnWidth=..., RulerStyle=...):

	return self._oleobj_.InvokeTypes(202, LCID, 1, (24, 0), ((4, 1), (3, 1)),...)

The interesting bits are

resultTypeDesc: (24, 0) - (VT_VOID, <no flags>)

typeDescs: ((4, 1), (3, 1)) - ((VT_R4, PARAMFLAG_FIN), (VT_I4, PARAMFLAG_FIN))

So, in this example, the function returns no value and takes 2 "in" params - ColumnWidth is a float, and RulerStule is an int.