A Python object, representing an HH_WINTYPE structure


Typically you create a PyHH_WINTYPE (via win32help::HH_WINTYPE) object, and set its properties. The object can then be passed to any function which takes an HH_WINTYPE object.

Use this structure to specify or modify the attributes of a window type. Window types can be defined by an author in a project (.hhp) file, or they can be defined programmatically using the HTML Help API.
When a HH_WINTYPE structure is passed to HtmlHelp() using the HH_SET_WIN_TYPE command, the HTML Help API makes a private copy of the contents of the structure. The help developer is therefore responsible for freeing memory used by the HH_WINTYPE structure or character arrays within it. The help developer can free memory after calling HH_SET_WIN_TYPE .

Used by


int uniCodeStrings
Specifies whether the strings used in this structure are UNICODE.

int validMembers
Specifies which members in the structure are valid.

int winProperties
Specifies the properties of the window, such as whether it is the standard HTML Help Viewer or whether it includes a Search tab.

int styles
Specifies the styles used to create the window. These styles can be ignored, combined with extended styles, or used exclusively depending on the value of the validMembers and winProperties parameters.

int exStyles
Specifies the extended styles used to create the window. These styles can be ignored, combined with default styles, or used exclusively depending on the value of the validMembers and winProperties parameters.

int showState
Specifies the initial display state of the window. Valid values are the same as those for the Win32 API ShowWindow function.

int hwndHelp
Specifies the handle of the window if the window has been created.

int hwndCaller
Specifies the window that will receive HTML Help notification messages. Notification messages are sent via Windows WM_NOTIFY messages.

int hwndToolBar
Specifies the handle of the toolbar.

int hwndNavigation
Specifies the handle of the Navigation pane.

int hwndHTML
Specifies the handle of the Topic pane, which hosts Shdocvw.dll.

int navWidth
Specifies the width of the Navigation pane when the Help Viewer is expanded.

int toolBarFlags
Specifies which buttons to include on the toolbar.

int notExpanded
Specifies that the Help Viewer open with the Navigation pane closed.

int curNavType
Specifies the default tab to display on the Navigation pane.

int idNotify
Specifies a non-zero ID for enabling HTML Help notification messages. This ID is passed as the wParam value of Windows WM_NOTIFY messages.

string typeName
A null-terminated string that specifies the name of the window type.

string caption
A null-terminated string that specifies the caption to display in the title bar of the window.

tuple windowPos
(left,top,right,bottom). Specifies the coordinates of the window in pixels.

tuple HTMLPos
(left,top,right,bottom). Specifies the coordinates of the Topic pane.

string toc
Specifies the contents (.hhc) file to display in the Navigation pane.

string index
Specifies the index (.hhk) file to display in the Navigation pane.

string file
Specifies the default HTML file to display in the Topic pane.

string home
Specifies the file or URL to display in the Topic pane when the Home button is clicked.

string jump1
Specifies the text to display underneath the Jump1 button.

string jump2
Specifies the text to display underneath the Jump2 button.

string urlJump1
Specifies the URL to jump to when the Jump1 button is clicked.

string urlJump2
Specifies the URL to jump to when the Jump2 button is clicked.