This flag indicates whether your application supports multiple copies and collation. Set this flag on input to indicate that your application does not support multiple copies and collation. In this case, the nCopies member of the PRINTDLG structure always returns 1, and PD_COLLATE is never set in the Flags member. If this flag is not set, the application is responsible for printing and collating multiple copies. In this case, the nCopies member of the PRINTDLG structure indicates the number of copies the user wants to print, and the PD_COLLATE flag in the Flags member indicates whether the user wants collation. Regardless of whether this flag is set, an application can determine from nCopies and PD_COLLATE how many copies to render and whether to print them collated. If this flag is set and the printer driver does not support multiple copies, the Copies edit control is disabled. Similarly, if this flag is set and the printer driver does not support collation, the Collate checkbox is disabled. The dmCopies and dmCollate members of theDEVMODE structure contain the copies and collate information used by the printer driver. If this flag is set and the printer driver supports multiple copies, the dmCopies member indicates the number of copies requested by the user. If this flag is set and the printer driver supports collation, the dmCollate member of the DEVMODE structure indicates whether the user wants collation. If this flag is not set, the dmCopies member always returns 1, and the dmCollate member is always zero.