
AcceptEx(sListening, sAccepting, buffer, ol)

Version of accept that uses Overlapped I/O


sListening : PySocket /int

Socket that had listen() called on.

sAccepting : PySocket /int

Socket that will be used as the incoming connection.

buffer : buffer

Buffer to read incoming data and connection point information into. This buffer MUST be big enough to recieve your connection endpoints... AF_INET sockets need to be at least 64 bytes. The correct minimum of the buffer is determined by the protocol family that the listening socket is using.


An overlapped structure


In order to make sure the connection has been accepted, either use the hEvent in PyOVERLAPPED, GetOverlappedResult, or GetQueuedCompletionStatus.

To use this with I/O completion ports, don't forget to attach sAccepting to your completion port.

Pass a buffer of exactly the size returned by win32file::CalculateSocketEndPointSize to have AcceptEx return without reading any bytes from the remote connection.


To have sAccepting inherit the properties of sListening, you need to do the following after a connection is successfully accepted

import struct

sAccepting.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, win32file.SO_UPDATE_ACCEPT_CONTEXT, struct.pack("I", sListening.fileno()))

Return Value

The result is 0 or ERROR_IO_PENDING. All other values will raise win32file.error. Specifically: if the win32 function returns FALSE, WSAGetLastError() is checked for ERROR_IO_PENDING.