
dict = ShellExecuteEx(fMask, hwnd , lpVerb , lpFile , lpParameters , lpDirectory , nShow , lpIDList , obClass , hkeyClass , dwHotKey , hIcon , hMonitor )

Performs an operation on a file.


fMask=0 : int

The default mask for the structure. Other masks may be added based on what paramaters are supplied.

hwnd=0 : PyHANDLE

lpVerb : string

lpFile : string

lpParameters : string

lpDirectory : string

nShow=0 : int

lpIDList : PyIDL

obClass : string

hkeyClass : int

dwHotKey : int

hIcon : PyHANDLE

hMonitor : PyHANDLE

Return Value

The result is a dictionary based on documented result values in the structure. Currently this is "hInstApp" and "hProcess"