SCROLLINFO tuple Object

Tuple representing a SCROLLINFO struct


[0] int : addnMask

Additional mask information. Python automatically fills the mask for valid items, so currently the only valid values are zero, and win32con.SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL.

[1] int : min

The minimum scrolling position. Both min and max, or neither, must be provided.

[2] int : max

The maximum scrolling position. Both min and max, or neither, must be provided.

[3] int : page

Specifies the page size. A scroll bar uses this value to determine the appropriate size of the proportional scroll box.

[4] int : pos

Specifies the position of the scroll box.

[5] int : trackPos

Specifies the immediate position of a scroll box that the user is dragging. An application can retrieve this value while processing the SB_THUMBTRACK notification message. An application cannot set the immediate scroll position; the PyCWnd::SetScrollInfo function ignores this member.


When returned from a method, will always be a tuple of size 6, and items may be None if not available.

When passed as an arg, it must have the addn mask attribute, but all other items may be None, or not exist.