A Python object, representing an HH_AKLINK structure


Typically you create a PyHH_AKLINK (via win32help::HH_AKLINK) object, and set its properties. The object can then be passed to any function which takes an HH_AKLINK object.

Use this structure to specify one or more ALink names or KLink keywords that you want to search for.

If the lookup yields no matching topics, HtmlHelp() checks the values of the following HH_AKLINK members to determine what alternative action to take:

indexOnFail. If indexOnFail is TRUE, the Index tab is selected in the help window specified in window, and the keyword specified in keyword is selected in the entry field.

url. If indexOnFail is FALSE, the topic file specified in url appears in the help window specified in window.
msgText and msgTitle. If indexOnFail is FALSE and url is NULL, a message box appears using the text and caption specified in msgText and msgTitle.

Used by


int indexOnFail
Specifies whether to display the keyword in the Index tab of the HTML Help Viewer if the lookup fails. The value of window specifies the Help Viewer.

string keywords
Specifies one or more ALink names or KLink keywords to look up. Multiple entries are delimited by a semicolon.

string url
Specifies the topic file to navigate to if the lookup fails. url refers to a valid topic within the specified compiled help (.chm) file and does not support Internet protocols that point to an HTML file.

string msgText
Specifies the text to display in a message box if the lookup fails and indexOnFail is FALSE and url is NULL.

string msgTitle
Specifies the caption of the message box in which the msgText parameter appears.

string window
Specifies the name of the window type in which to display one of the following:

The selected topic, if the lookup yields one or more matching topics. The topic specified in url, if the lookup fails and a topic is specified in url.

The Index tab, if the lookup fails and indexOnFail is specified as TRUE.