
(int, int, int) = HitTest(x,y)

Determines which list view item, if any, is at a specified position.


x,y : point

The point to test.

Return Value

The result is a tuple of (flags, item, subItem). flags may be a combination of the following values:

Value Description
commctrl.LVHT_ABOVEThe position is above the control's client area.
commctrl.LVHT_BELOWThe position is below the control's client area.
commctrl.LVHT_NOWHEREThe position is inside the list view control's client window, but it is not over a list item.
commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMICONThe position is over a list view item's icon.
commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMLABELThe position is over a list view item's text.
commctrl.LVHT_ONITEMSTATEICONThe position is over the state image of a list view item.
commctrl.LVHT_TOLEFTThe position is to the left of the list view control's client area.
commctrl.LVHT_TORIGHTThe position is to the right of the list view control's client area.