Describes a CHARFORMAT tuple


[0] int : mask

The mask to use. Bits in this mask indicate which of the following parameter are interpreted. Must be a combination the win32con.CFM_* constants.

[1] int : effects

The effects to use. Must be a combination the win32con.CFE_* constants.

[2] int : yHeight

The y height.

[3] int : yOffset

Character offset from the baseline. If this member is positive, the character is a superscript; if it is negative, the character is a subscript.

[4] int : colorText

The color to use.

[5] int : bCharSet

The charset. See the LOGFONT structure for details.

[6] int : bPitchAndFamily

The charset. See the LOGFONT structure for details.

[7] string : faceName

The font name.


Executing d=win32ui.CreateFontDialog(); d.DoModal(); print d.GetCharFormat() will print a valid CHARFORMAT tuple.