:mod:`ipc` -- Interprocess Communication ======================================== .. module:: ipc :synopsis: Pythonic access to Windows IPC mechanisms .. moduleauthor:: Tim Golden Introduction ------------ The IPC module offers an interface to the various forms of interprocess communication available under windows: mailslots, events, named pipes, mutexes, sempahores and waitable timers. At least, that's the plan. At the time of writing, only mailslots and events are in there. But the rest are definitely on the way. Functions ---------- Factories ~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: mailslot .. autofunction:: event .. autofunction:: mutex .. autofunction:: pipe Helpers ~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: any .. autofunction:: all Classes ------- .. toctree:: mailslots events mutexes pipes Constants --------- .. autodata:: WAIT Exceptions ---------- .. autoexception:: x_ipc .. autoexception:: x_mailslot .. autoexception:: x_mailslot_invalid_use .. autoexception:: x_mailslot_empty .. autoexception:: x_mailslot_message_too_big .. autoexception:: x_mailslot_message_too_complex References ---------- .. seealso:: `Synchronisation `_ Documentation on microsoft.com for synchronisation objects :doc:`cookbook/ipc` Cookbook examples of using the ipc module To Do ----- * Named Pipes * Waitable Timers * Waits